All in Art of Poetry

King of Lions, Heaven Bound

My cat, Mischief, was just the coolest cat you’d ever want to meet! We become comfortable with each other, our relationship, and our living quarters. So full of vim and vigor, so robust, playful he was. I'll sure miss, my Lil' Buddy, for sure. Sheesh, Mischief, was a beastly black cat, that weighed, twenty-five lbs! Come on…

I Am Legend

This poem, I Am Legend, is intriguing writing. I stood on the edge of the universe and watched time, moments of memories, from a time already passed. Then watched time in a time I knew nothing about.

“Ode' to `Mischief Lotus”

This poem was written for my cat in dedication of his life that he lost the battle. He had a stroke and I couldn’t let him suffer. All though, I wanted answers and left him overnight at the vets. Following day, July 1st, Mischief Lotus passed away, he’s free.

Love At Home

The author has captured his side of what love at home means to him and holds so profoundly to his values. Nonetheless, he has been through a traumatizing experience with his family, which he feels he had failed with not being able to protect them from such harm and is on this journey of forgiving himself. So come, and read what he holds as values, morals, and virtues as his quest continues for forgiveness for himself.

Life's Lessons Life's Hacks

This is something different from the normal I usually write. But, it's me, I believe, and sometimes, you just got to do what you need to do. You need to listen with your heart; your ears will deceive you. Learning to see with your heart gives you abilities you never thought you had seen with your heart. That brings a whole new perspective to "Life's Lessons, Life's Hacks."


I have a buddy in Canada now but was from the states here. Wolfe Grey and I met online at the poker tables. A group of us used to meet there every day. We all became such good friends over the years. We held this event in Las Vegas every year since we all met online. We had a host down there, Popatop and Pumkin. For a week, her, Pumkins', neighbors did not like them.

Just me

I am nothing special. Perhaps someone gifted with words to see life in a different perspective. Seeing life through my eyes in a poetic way, with words. That’s all I have is words and to offer, besides the love of my fellow brother and sisters here in this world too. Placed here to go through hardships just like everyone else, and I’ve seen some pretty tough hardships, ones I’m battling now. But each and everyone of us, have to go through these hardships to see things in a different way, to learn from it, and make sure these rough times doesn’t happen again.

Everyday A Harvest

Looking on to life's ups and downs, not just one individual, but for everyone in a family, or a domestic relationship’., Without the ups in our lives, and the downs as well, we as people, humans, wouldn’t learn how to deal with them if they arise in our lives, if you have experienced them. But we are all different, mind, body, and soul, therefore learn differently one from another. We don’t want these things to repeat as we do learn from our mistakes. We are human, and some people won’t admit at times of mistakes made, because of pride, or reputation. and for those that can not admit their faults are mistakenly saddened to a wake up sooner or later, and I’ll say to the later of the both.