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I think, therefore, I am.

I think, therefore I am.

Several Types of Logos

Several Types of Logos

Hello, World!

William Patrick Darnell Sr - Acrostic

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William Patrick Darnell Sr - Acrostic 

W-illingly, loving people as God would do!

I-ntelligent, funny, witty, and true.

L-istening with his heart so others can speak.

L-earning what he must, not trying to make a mistake.

I-deally, he wouldn't live as he has but chosen this way.

A-iming towards the stars for solitude and some play.

M-inding his own business, walking down the lonely road.

P-aying-it-forward, for there's no greed to his soul. 

A-lways praying for others and their needs as its foretold.

T-ries to do what's right, but this world is so full of a sinful soul.

R-eaching out to others, for some conversation within.

I-gnoring politicians, as they do America wrong. 

C-hooses to stay away from others, living behind a façade.

K-ind, thoughtful and courteous, because that's who I am.

D-reaming dreams he longs for; it's a life he once lived.

A-sking God to bless his people, always as he gives.

R-eal as real can get, but yearning for his wife, she R.I.P.

N-othing fake about him; ask God in your hearts, He'll tell you.

E-lement of surprise, a wise decision that he's sane.

L-oving himself finally, he hasn't done it for a long time. 

L-earning as he's chosen, with Christ Jesus, by his side.

S-o it's time, I find this end, to a good ole' country song.

R-especting boundaries of others, living out his days being strong.

Revised Edition February 03, 2021, 5:04 AM (EST)

| Copyright © William Darnell Sr |

| Year Posted 2021 | 

Source - PoetrySoup™

Satan Thought He Could

Satan Thought He Could

