All in Courage

Fear, You Won't Know

I had been under a great deal of depression, and my demons putting me to work, creating this poetry. It touches my bases here, and that’s what I was aiming for. I live with a mental illness. Mental illness is not a joke and can lead some to suicide. Because they were going through something, they couldn’t handle it or couldn’t find any resolution and gave up the fight. I’ve been fighting and battling my demons, but, still, mental illness is no joking matter. Talk to someone, before giving up. Please, Support your local Mental Health Assoc. Mental illiness can be a complete setback. Know your triggers.

Only Dreams Imagination

“Only Dreams Imagination” was written because of a group of fellow writers, Soupers is what we call ourselves, at But not just them, per se, but humanity. I pray these things for everyone along with your needs. I hope you find delight in this poem. It’s who I am, it’s always been, who I am!

The Day I Left Life Behind …

It was Thanksgiving Day, we had just finished dinner. The kids left the table and went to play with the toys they had found that morning under the tree. We took our own way in tradition, and since we had kids, we had always laid out toys and a set of pajama’s. The day was going fairly well, except for the fact, I seen him as an unwanted guest, but, it was my wife’s brother. I didn’t like the kid, he was 17 1 ⁄ 2 years old, didn’t mean I haven’t love him, but, I didn’t have to like him, at all.