All in Depression

Fear, You Won't Know

I had been under a great deal of depression, and my demons putting me to work, creating this poetry. It touches my bases here, and that’s what I was aiming for. I live with a mental illness. Mental illness is not a joke and can lead some to suicide. Because they were going through something, they couldn’t handle it or couldn’t find any resolution and gave up the fight. I’ve been fighting and battling my demons, but, still, mental illness is no joking matter. Talk to someone, before giving up. Please, Support your local Mental Health Assoc. Mental illiness can be a complete setback. Know your triggers.

Loneliness Hotel

This poem is about depression, anxiety, and the ups and downs of the back-set in life, called mental illness. I was born with, hyperactivity disorder, and couldn’t control my behavior. This led to further implications within my life.