All in Writer

If It Hadn't Been for You

Its about my life with my late wife and this was when we was younger as a couple. Married, and had a few kids already, we use to do this. The found memories, but there at the end after this tragedy happened to my family, she doubted my love, and thought I saw her differently after finding out some things that everything fit together. I didn’t see her but still my wife, and knew how to move forward. After her passing, I hope she was giving the opportunity to she if I saw her any different.

I'm Calling Your Name

Part of a dream I had the other night, so sureal it was to me. Woke me up from what I thinks was a sound sleep, because I was startled by it. Pretty crazy times we live in, and adventure to see through my eyes, and then sit here and display it poetically, no better feeling then, accomplishment.

She's Always On My Mind

Shannon, that's my wife's name. Just the very thought of her brings butterflies back to my stomach—those teenage butterflies when you're all flushed seeing the girl again, first love? I get that way sometimes just thinking of my wife. I had to let her go physically; spiritually, my wife and I always are connected.

You'll Always Be My Tomorrow

Something I can not understand on why my wife chose walk away and I had no choice thereafter to walk away and is part of the reasons I turned my back to life and walked down my nightmare to come back then. I’m in self-conviction and this is part of the outcome to why I placed myself in this situation I try to release myself from now.

The Abyss in Loving Someone

This poem is rather written in dark manor way. Finding a love isn’t easy for some. But, love has differentiate its form in many ways in each of us. And truly getting know someone inside and out, is definitely a committed effort to anyone how is serious of another. Inside, that getting down to the nitty gritty of things. I believe I’ve written this piece very well, it represented itself in retrospect of truly knowing someone, as my late wife and I. I am not saying it is about you, but a likeness of.