All in Art Is Everything

Comic Wonder Woman

I am working myself into a commitment portrait or my way up to it. I don’t want to commit and not finish. A combination of a deceased father, who never got the privilege to meet his grandson as he passed away before his birth. This portrait would be my first public request for such a prestigious project to be honored with; I am very grateful.

Help, Get Me Out of Here

My drawing here is weird, uniquely done, and has a humorous side to it. Drawn by Myself and I, and ok, Me too! I think that's Me wanting to get out? Perhaps Challenging as it was, I was sitting here listening to music on Pandora, drawing this picture, and what song comes on and starts to play; Uncle Bernie's Funny Farm by Frank Zappy. I'm like perfect, what is it that you're saying here, Lord? Haha, but it did turn out to be a pretty good picture, but it could be better.

Our Savior Christ

I drew this July 9, 2021; it took approximately 4 1/2 hours for me to complete. It is in an 8x10" see-through picture frame, which is pretty cool. I just had this funny notion this afternoon to draw a picture of Christ Jesus our Savior. I can't say that I didn't have complete pleasure drawing this portrait of our Messia. I believe it has elegance, charm, and beauty in this picture.